Doini Island Cruise

raja ampat free, Wajag Island, Raja Ampat Islands, Raja Ampat Biodiversity Eco Resort

Where the Sky and Sea Meet

An earthly paradise of rare beauty. It is impossible to describe Fiji in any other way, a place far from reality, beautiful, iridescent ‒ a place where the sky and sea offer up dreamlike colors and atmospheres.

With your MSC World Cruise, you will have the opportunity to disembark in Suva, the capital of Viti Levu, the largest island of this beautiful archipelago. In town, you can start your tour by visiting the Fiji National Museum with its numerous archaeological finds and ancient local crafts on display. Other buildings of great interest are undoubtedly the majestic Sacred Heart Cathedral and the Suva City Library, both dating to the early twentieth century, but there are also many parks to admire that are home to beautiful local flora species. 
The capital city offers visitors many places where they can have fun and eat in fine restaurants enjoying typical local dishes such as fish marinated in coconut milk. Suva is undoubtedly a lively cultural and culinary center that will amaze you. Do not miss the chance to also spend a bit of time at the Municipal Market.

Kreuzfahrten von/bis Doini Island in 2025

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